The Challenge

Within the six lots which make up the large 13.1 million euro irrigation project of the Eastern Veneto Remediation Consortium, included in the National Rural Development Plan (PSRN), the second lot consists of the hydraulic connection of the basin networks S. Osvaldo and Lison for the recovery of downstream irrigation and the functional improvement of the water pump.

lot two, amounting to 2.3 million, provides for the hydraulic connection of the reclamation networks of the two S. Osvaldo and Lison basins, separated by the Loncon dammed river, thus allowing the recovery of the downstream irrigation waste and the sharing of the resource water, as well as the functional improvement of relief water in the event of a flood.



an AC pipeline was built with a diameter of 1600 mm and a length of 72 m which will connect the East channel (right bank of the Loncon), in the S. Osvaldo basin, with the Girardi channel (left bank of the Loncon) in the Lison basin, passing under the Loncon to a depth of about 10 m below the ground level.


To perform the work, the no-dig technique of microtunneling was used, with a full-section cutter with a diameter of 1600 and a hydraulic type material removal system. the thrust well and the exit well respectively had the following dimensions:
– Thrust well: 10.5m x 5.6m x 8m

– Exit well: 6.5m x 5.6m x 8m

Project outcome

  • Connection of the two basins S.Osvaldo and Lison
  • Possibility of recovery of irrigation waste
  • Sharing the water resource
  • Functional improvement of relief water pump in case of flood
  • Environmental impact minimized by the use of a technique without excavation
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